Monday, September 23, 2013

A Case of the Mondays

We all know the feeling of waking up after the weekend with the Monday morning blues. It can include feelings of anxiety, sadness, stress, and the dread that the weekend is so far away. While it is quite normal to prefer our leisure time over our work time, if you regularly dread Monday mornings, it might be a good time to look at what you are doing for work and what is going on at your workplace. Do you feel fulfilled in what you do? Are you in a career that utilizes your strengths and makes use of your full potential? Do you enjoy the company of your colleagues? Do you have a bad relationship with a boss or superior at work? If you dread Monday mornings, there's a good chance you don't like your answers to some of these questions. And it might be time for a change: either in what you do, where you do it, or maybe how you are functioning at your current job. If you can make your work more fulfilling and enjoyable, you will not dread your job and will even look forward to going to work. As the saying goes, find a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life. Although it sounds cliché, I'm a firm believer that such a career and job exists for everyone. So find a job that has you waking up excited every morning. Once we find that job, we can achieve the ultimate balance of looking forward to both our work and leisure, and Monday mornings won't feel so different from Saturday mornings. And in the meantime, cheer up! The weekend is only a workweek away!

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