Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Stigma of Being Human

The stigma attached to mental illness and seeking out mental health services places a significant burden on society and its individuals. The stigma creates shame in having a mental illness and also delays/prevents people from seeking out either help from a professional or support from a friend. It could be argued that the suffering created by the stigma nearly matches the suffering produced by mental illnesses themselves. That's why it is important for us to shift our perception of mental illnesses and mental health services. Mental illness shoul be viewed, like physical illness, as just another ailment of the human condition. When we have a physical illness or pain, we do not feel ashamed for having it or that we might be judged negatively if others learn of it. Additionally, seeking out the care of a medical doctor for our ailment is commended by our loved ones, and certainly would not be frowned upon or considered taboo. Similarly, mental illness and pain should be viewed in such a manner. We should commend those who seek out a practitioner to help ameliorate their pain and suffering, recognizing that what they are going through is just another part of being human, which we likely have or will experience ourselves. Shaming and judging someone for feeling depressed is like shaming and judging someone for having a cold. This shift in perspective can undo and prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffering.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Holakouee thank you for your professional insight about mental health. It is much needed. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
